Friday, February 24, 2012

Once the energy during anabolism, it can be spent as

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Kenneth Todor, Ph.D.

much noise made about microbial diversity. Unicellular eukaryotes

(protystov) have sufficient structural diversity, but

prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) there is no difference. There

only a few basic morphology, and mobility features

resting cells (spores) and the main differential stain (Gram) >> << that distinguishes prokaryotes under the microscope. Yes

, what all the hype about about prokaryotes? It is about

biochemical or metabolic diversity

especially with regard to energy generating metabolism and biosynthesis of secondary buy generic lasix metabolites

. Prokaryotes, as a group, spend more

the same types of basal metabolism, as eukaryotes, but also is

several types of energy generating metabolism among prokaryotes

that is nonexistent in eukaryotic cells or organisms. Diversity

prokaryotes express their great differences in the ways of energy production and

metabolism, and this feature allows prokaryotes to flourish in all habitats

suited for life on Earth. Even prokaryotic species may be more flexibility in metabolism >>. Consider

<< Escherichia coli. This bacterium can

food energy for growth by fermentation or respiration. He can breathe

aerobic O

use as a final acceptor of electrons, or it can breathe on

anaerobically without

or fumarate as terminal electron acceptor

. E. coli

can use glucose or lactose as the sole carbon source

growth, and metabolic ability to convert sugar into all >> << essential amino acids, vitamins and nucleotides that make up the cells. A relative of Escherichia coli


Rhodospirillum hihit,

has all heterotrophic capabilities as E. coli, plus

able to grow on

zfotoavtotrofnoyi, photoheterotrophic or litotrofnyy funds. It does require a >> << growth factor, however, biotin should be added to its nutrient environment. In fact, most eukaryotic energy production (ATP) with alcohol

fermentation (eg yeast), lactic fermentation (eg, muscle cells, neutrophils

), aerobic respiration (eg, shapes, simple animals ) or

oxygen photosynthesis (eg, algae, plants). These modes of energy-generating metabolism

exist among prokaryotes, in addition to all these types of energy

production, which practically do not exist in eukaryotes.bodybuilding anabolic steroids Unique fermentation fermentation Other ways anaerobic respiration Lithotrophy Photoheterotrophy beskyslorodnoho photosynthesis methanogenesis light-driven nonphotosynthetic fotofosforyluvannya also among autotrophic prokaryotes, there are three ways

CO fixes, two of which are unknown among eukaryotes,


(acetyl CoA) and reverse CTC. The term metabolism refers to the amount of biochemical reactions

necessary for energy production and energy to synthesize

cellular material with small molecules in the environment. Thus, metabolism is

generating component, called

catabolism, and energy-intensive


biosynthetic component called

anabolism. Catabolic reactions or sequences of energy production, as

ATP, which can

be used in anabolic reactions at a cellular material with

nutrients in the environment. The relationship between catabolism and anabolism

shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1.

Relations between catabolism and anabolism in the cell. During catabolism, energy

changed from one form to another, and in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics,

such energy conversion never fully effective, i. ie, some amount of energy

lost as heat. The effectiveness of catabolic

sequence of reactions is the amount of energy allocated to the cell (for


divided by the total amount of energy released during the reaction. During catabolism, useful energy is temporarily stored in >> << "

high binding energy»


adenosine triphosphate. No matter what

form of energy cells use as their primary energy source is ultimately converted

and stored as ATP - the universal currency of energy metabolism in

biological systems. Once the energy during anabolism, it can be spent as

high energy of ATP, which has a value of about 8 kcal mol at. Thus,

converting ADP into ATP requires 8 kcal of energy, and

hydrolysis of ATP to ADP releases 8 kcal. Figure 2. Structure

ATP. ATP is derived from the nucleotide adenozynmonofosfatu (AMP) or adenylic acid

in which two additional phosphate groups are connected through pyrophosphate

bonds (~ P). These two energy-rich bonds in the sense that th

hydrolysis gives much more power than the corresponding covalent bond. ATP

acts as a coenzyme in the energy response relationship where one or both groups

terminal phosphate is removed from the ATP molecule with

binding energy used for transmission of AT >> << other molecules

intensify its role in metabolism. For example, Glucose + ATP


ADP or amino acids + ATP ----- AMP-Amino

acid + PP. Due to the central role of ATP in the energy generating metabolic

expect to see their participation as a coenzyme in most produce energy

processes in cells. Kenneth Todor, Ph.D. All rights reserved. - WWW. textbookofbacteriology. Net >>. <<

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