Friday, February 24, 2012

Your sex - fractures from osteoporosis ...

What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis, "porous bone", is a disease that causes bones become fragile and brittle and very susceptible to fractures. These cracks are typically in the hip, spine and wrist. Fracture or fracture can have a huge impact on your life, leading to disability, pain and loss of independence. Fractures can make it very difficult to do daily activities without assistance. Osteoporosis Diagnosis? The best way to diagnose osteoporosis the bone mineral density test, called the test DEXA. It is recommended to get a bone density test if:

Results bone density test will give you a T-score. T-bill compares your bone density that the average healthy young adult of your gender. Below you will see how to interpret your T-score. Between 1 and 2. 5

= Your score is a sign of osteoporosis, the condition in which bone density below normal and can lead to osteoporosis

below -2. 5

Last osteoporosis was considered a disease of women. Now we know that men also have to worry about weak bones and are at risk of osteoporosis. In fact, one in four people over 50 will suffer damage caused by osteoporosis. Your sex - Fractures due to osteoporosis is approximately two times more common in women as in men. Age - Your bones become weaker with age. Ethnicity - Caucasian and Southeast Asia have a higher risk of osteoporosis, black and Hispanic men and women have a lower but still significant risk. Family history - After one family member with osteoporosis puts you at higher risk, as osteoporosis is genetic. The size of the body - face, thin or have small body frames are at greater risk because they have less bone mass. Smoking - Studies have shown that tobacco use contributes to weak bones. Corticosteroid medications - Prolonged use of prednisone, cortisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone, without prejudice to the bone. Breast cancer - women who have had breast cancer are at increased risk of osteoporosis, especially if they are treated with chemotherapy Diet

- diet lacks calcium, play an important role in the development of osteoporosis. Lack of exercise - exercise throughout life is important, but you can increase your bone density at any age. Alcohol abuse - Long-term abuse of alcohol reduces bone formation and prevents the body's ability to absorb calcium. It is never too late or too early for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Creating strong bones when you are young is the best protection against getting osteoporosis later in life. To improve bone health, use the following recommendations:

1. Adequate amount of calcium

The best way to treat and prevent osteoporosis, to get enough calcium and magnesium, trace elements, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 in your diet. Osteoporosis is not only due to insufficient calcium intake, but because we do not get enough nutrients bone building in our diet. We recommend getting as much calcium from food in your diet as possible, and then fill with calcium deficiency with appropriate bone building ingredients included in the formula. 2. Vitamin D is required

To help your body absorb calcium is also important to get enough vitamin D. You can get vitamin D through sunlight and foods. You need 10-15 minutes of sunlight in the hands, arms and face two or three times a week to get enough vitamin D. Recent studies show you need more vitamin D, than was previously recommended. 3. Magnesium is important too

Magnesium and calcium work together to keep calcium in bones and your soft tissue. It is always better to get minerals from your diet, eating beans, vegetables (especially dark green leafy lasix 20 mg daily vegetables from chlorophyll). 4. Vitamin K2

There are many recent studies find Vitamin K2 is very important for bone health. Vitamin K is naturally produced by the body, so it should come from your diet. Learn more about

5. Exercise

bearing exercise that any activity in which your body works against gravity. Here are some examples: walking, dancing, running, climbing stairs, gardening, doing yoga, tai chi, hiking, playing tennis, or lifting weights all this helps! AlgaeCal Bone Health Program is a natural osteoporosis treatment that combines all of the above tips. This natural treatment of osteoporosis has AlgaeCal In addition, strontium and strengthening exercises weight bearing. AlgaeCal Plus is the only source of plant in the world also includes calcium and magnesium, trace elements, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. Strontium Boost is a supplement consisting of strontium citrate, learn more about the rich mineral and building bones. AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium increase now clinically studied with excellent results in treating osteoporosis. Learn more about this natural osteoporosis treatment called >> << AlgaeCal Treatment NaturalPOsteoporosis worked George Smith

watch his video review below to learn more about this amazing story. .

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